Web / HTML5

Ren'Py supports running games in a web browser. This is done by with a version of Ren'Py that has been compiled to WebAssembly, allowing as much as possible of Ren'Py to run in the browser. This page will explain some of the limitations of running inside a browser, help you design your game to run well, and explain how to build your game for the web.


Like all games running inside a web browser, Ren'Py games have a number of limitations on them. Some of these are imposed by the sandbox in the browser, while others have been chosen to reduce the amount of data that needs to be downloaded before a game can start.

Some limitations are:

  • Video is played back using the browser's built-in video playback. This limits the formats that can be played back to those supported by the web browser, and only renpy.movie_cutscene() is supported.

  • Audio playback may use the browsers audio format, which is fast, or may use Ren'Py's built in audio playback, which is slower, but supports more formats. See the section below.

  • The web port doesn't support multi-threading, so functions like renpy.invoke_in_thread() and the Python threading module are not supported. This can also limit the performance of some games - on desktop and mobile Ren'Py, images can be preloaded in the background, but on the web port this is not possible, and so image loading may cause framerate glitches.

  • Networking is not supported. This might be surprising, but the browser sandbox prevents Ren'Py from making arbitrary network requests. This means that sockets and the requests library will return errors when run inside the web browser.

  • Live2D is not supported.

In addition, there are some limitations that can be caused by where you host your game. Some hosting providers limit the size of a game and the number of files that can be included as part of a project. As an example, itch.io documents these limits. Browsers provide other limits - files that are greater than 50MB in size won't be cached, which means big files will be downloaded every time your game is run.

Supported Browsers

We try to keep Ren'Py running in recent versions of evergreen browsers like Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari, as well as the mobile versions of these browsers on iOS and Android. Ren'Py may work in other browsers, but it depends on the browser's support for WebAssembly and other features required by Ren'Py.

Ren'Py does require many modern web features, and so won't run if these features are blocked or disabled.

While we try to keep Ren'Py running, Ren'Py can push the edge of what a browser is capable of, and so it's possible that changes to the browsers will render them incapable of running games. We work with browser vendors to ensure the browsers keep working, but it's possible that a change to the browser will require your game to be updated.

Packaging your Game

Ren'Py games can be packaged for the web by using the "Web (Beta)" section of the Launcher. This has four main options in it.

Build Web Application

This will package your game for the web. This will create a web.zip file containing your entire game, and a folder that contains each of the individual files that make up your game. (Actually running the game from this folder isn't supported, as the game needs to be hosted by a web server.)

Build and Open in Browser

This will package your game for the web, and then open it in a local web browser for testing purposes. This will run a web server on your computer that serves the game, and then open a browser that accesses that web server.

This is the usual way to test your game.

Open in Browser

This will open a local web browser that accesses a web server on your computer, without the full build process.

Open build Directory

This opens the folder containing the files produced by the build process.

Generated folders

Say, your project is in the renpy/projects/main/yourproject folder. Then you will find a new renpy/projects/main/yourproject-1.0-dists folder. This folder contains a yourproject-1.0-web subfolder, and this subfolder's zipped version, a yourproject-1.0-web.zip file.

Uploading your Game

Once you've built your game, you'll need to upload it to a public web server. For game hosting services like itch.io, you'll need to upload the web.zip file, which contains all of the files. For other hosting options, you'll need to upload every file in the generated web directory.

If you're hosting the game yourself, you'll want to make sure your web server serves .wasm files using the application/wasm MIME type. Doing so will make the game load faster, and prevent a warning from happening.

Some web hosts may reject the game.zip file. In that case, rename it to game.data, and edit index.html to change game.zip to game.data.


The Web platform natively uses a default presplash image. To override it, you can supply an image named web-presplash, .jpg, .png or .webp, and it will replace the default.

The .webp format allows for an animated presplash image, if that's required.


The Web page icon can be customized by putting an image file with the name web-icon.png in the base directory of your project. This image must have a minimum resolution of 512x512 and its width and height must be equal. If no custom image is given, the default Ren'Py icon is used.

Progressive Downloading

Ren'Py supports a progressive download feature, which is configured by editing the file named progressive_download.txt in the base directory of your project. If this file doesn't exist, it will be created when you package your game for the web the first time. The default contents of this file is:

# RenPyWeb progressive download rules - first match applies"
# '+' = progressive download, '-' = keep in game.data (default)
# See https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/build.html#classifying-and-ignoring-files for matching
# +/- type path
- image game/gui/**
+ image game/**
+ music game/audio/**
+ voice game/voice/**

This file determines which files are downloaded before the game starts, and which are downloaded when required. Lines beginning with a # are comments. Lines beginning with a - match files that should be downloaded where the game begins - usually files that are used in the opening screen. Lines beginning with a + match files that should be downloaded as needed.

The second column determines the type of file, and how Ren'Py treats these files. The types are:


Image files are replaced by a pixellated version of the image, and then replaced with the full image when the image is loaded. In many cases, Ren'Py can predict the image and load it before the full image is needed, so the pixellated image will only be seen when this load can't finish in time.

If the full image never loads, it's likely that the wrong data is on the web server.


Music files are replaced by silence, and then play when loading finishes.


Voice files are replaced by silence, and then play when loading finishes.

Finally, the last columns is the path to match.

Audio and Video

Due to limitations in the browser intended to stop advertisements from playing audio, sound and music files won't play until the user clicks inside the game at least once.

Ren'Py has two ways to play audio files. The first is to use the webaudio system inside the browser, and then second is to use its own audio playback system. The webaudio system is faster, but on Safari, the OGG format is not supported.

The config.webaudio_required_types variable controls which audio system is used, by probing the browser for the types it supports. If your game uses only mp3 this can be changed using

define config.webaudio_required_types = [ "audio/mpeg" ]

Playing back video is also supported. There are two variables that control it:


This is a URL that's appended to to the movie filename to get the full URL to play the movie from. It can include directories in it, so "https://share.renpy.org/movies-for-mygame/" would also be fine.

This is useful if you want to host the movies on a different server than the rest of your game.


On Mobile Safari on iOS, by default, the player will need to click to play a movie with sound. This variable gives the message that's used to prompt players to click.

There's one more Safari-related feature. Since Safari doesn't support modern formats like webm, the webvideo support has a fallback. A URL with the extension replaced with .mp4 will be tried if the first fails. On Safari, what will happen is that https://share.renpy.org/oa4_launch.webm will be tried and fail as unsupported, and then https://share.renpy.org/oa4_launch.mp4 will be tried if it exists.


Ren'Py can run Javascript, using three functions in the emscripten module. This module is available as renpy.emscripten when running on the web platform. When not running on the web platform, renpy.emscripten is False.


Runs the given Javascript script. This does not return a result.


Runs the given Javascript script, and returns its result as an integer.


Runs the given Javascript script, and returns its result as a string.

You can add Javascript functions to your game by editing the web/index.html file, and including the scripts that Ren'Py will call. Note that this file may be replaced when Ren'Py is updated.

Javascript can also call into Ren'Py using the window.renpy_exc, window.renpy_get, and window.renpy_set functions. For the documentation of these functions, please read web/renpy-pre.js.

Hamburger Menu

The hamburger menu is a menu that appears in the top left corner of the game. It has three options:

Import saves

This lets the user upload Ren'Py save files and persistent data into the web browser.

Export saves

This allows the user to download a zip file with their save games and persistent data. This file can be uploaded into a different web browser, saved for backup, or even unzipped and loaded into a desktop game.

Ren'Py log

This downloads the Ren'Py log, which contains debugging output.